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English as a World Language (Engage)

Universität Hamburg

English as a World Language (Engage)
The M.A. programme English as a World Language represents a collaborative effort by the Department of English and the Department of Asian and African Studies, with the Department of English assuming the main administrative responsibility. The programme covers varieties of English around the world, from traditional English dialects to more recent post-colonial varieties and English-based pidgin and creole languages. In line with the areas of specialization of the departments involved, emphasis is placed on English in Africa, and in South and Southeast Asia (in addition to the varieties “closer to home”). The programme starts in October. The annual deadline for applications is mid-July.


Master of Arts
Voll- und Teilzeit
4 Semester
Hochschulabschluss, Sprachkenntnisse
EUR 288 pro Semester


Telefon: +49 (0)40/42838-0
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
20146 Hamburg

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